The Quake (2018)
This week we're shaking things up and watching a disaster movie that isn't completely nonsensical! We watched 2018's The Quake (or to give it it's original Norwegian title, Skjelvet).
We've watched a lot of disaster movies over our 68 episodes, but this one really drives home the humanity of a natural disaster. And by humanity, we of course mean the ineptitude of everyone involved, be they terrible parents or equally as terrible geologists. This is the movie the Norwegian Tourist Board (probably) called: "More than concerning". With the added bonus of being a sequel to a movie that neither Dave or Ian knew existed until we recorded this.
So join us, as expert Warren guides 2 dumb-dumbs on a journey with a wander down memory lane, a few meanders, and more than a few name drops of that hotel with the colour in it's name, you know the one...