Split Second (1992)
What if I told you there was a sci-fi movie set in the very distant future of 2008 located in a apocalyptic london starring Rutger Hauer as he attempts to hunt down a satanic serial killer but the serial killer might also be a demon from hell or maybe even just a shapeshifting mutant homeless person who lives in th- .... *takes a deep breath* ... the flooded underground of london - and rutger hauer is hunting it down this thing because it killed his partner and now they're psychically linked and he's teamed up with a stiff rookie sidekick from Scotland Yar- ... *deep breath*... Scotland Yard but he's also an expert in demon / serial killers / mutants and then they team up with his dead partners wife that Rutger Hauer was also sleeping with but stopped because he needed to track down the aforementioned demon/serial killer/mutant... *gasps for air* ...would you believe me that this movie rules?
This week we watched the cut classic Split Second so join us as we try to unpack whatever this stacked movie is!